what will you get??- request result dipost kurang lebih 7 hari setelah menerima request
- hasilnya akan ku posting di sosial media dgn mengetag akun pe-request (bisa sekalian ku feature-in ^^)
- u can use the result for photo pict, or layout :) but ofc with credit yaa
how to request?- visit this link > zaltcarramel's trakteer
- kirim pesan dukungan dengan menyertakan username media sosial n karakter yang mau digambar!
- 1 req karakter : 1 cendol
note : bcs ini bukan commission jadi cuma bisa req karakter (+bonus ekspresinya) aja

Hii, i'm currently loving Onepiece n addicted with law °-°)9
i'd like making friends in game, feel free to be friends with me here ^^

find me in game! 
GI : 855329655MLBB : 1326517123
currently loving onepiece(law simp)
find me in game! :9
GI : 855329655, MLBB : 1326517123